DNSSEC explained for beginners

Introduce to DNSSEC

In order to supply cryptographic authentication to DNS data, a set of security techniques known as DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) was built. It verifies and validates the accuracy of DNS data, so you know they haven’t been changed.

Because it validates each DNS query step, network experts frequently refer to it as a chain of trust.

A feature that DNS does not typically handle, DNSSEC protects the security and secrecy of data (serving two out of the three elements of the CIA trinity). These extensions, therefore, provide a foundation for online trust and guard against DNS attacks like Denial-of-Service (DoS) and DNS hijacking. For example, a DNSSEC resolver can examine a server’s signature to see if the information it received matches the information on the authoritative DNS server. This is made feasible by the fact that all server responses from DNSSEC servers are digitally signed. The request will only be granted if this is the case.

What does it defend you from?

The main goal of Domain Name System Security Extensions is to put barriers in the way of third parties trying to forge any DNS records. In addition, it can safeguard the integrity of the DNS by preventing the occurrence of the following scenarios.

  • DNS Cache Poisoning

It is a man-in-the-middle attack. The attackers want to overwhelm a DNS resolver with phony DNS data. There are instances when the attacks might advance rapidly and create a phony end result in the resolver’s cache memory (DNS cache). Due to this, any user who requests access to that specific website receives a malicious and fake address from the DNS resolver. Sadly, it only lasts till the TTL (Time-to-Live) runs out.

  • DNS attacks

DNSSEC can provide simulation results for zones and defend against DNS attacks that use the DNS system unfairly. However, they might not even exist in reality, and thieves profit from gaps between zones. Therefore, DNSSEC creates measures to prevent these gaps from being exploited and secure the entire zone.

Furthermore, DNSSEC serves as the security foundation for additional protocols. The extensions’ development is constantly changing. More protocols that require data protection rely on DNSSEC every day. They (DEN, DKIM, DMARC, etc.) only function in correctly signed zones.

How can DNSSEC be implemented?

You need a resolver that supports DNSSEC if you want to use DNSSEC for name resolution on the client side. This is relatively easy because there are several DNS resolvers available now that can.

The particular procedure will differ based on your registrar and DNS hosting provider if you want your domain to support DNSSEC. Your registrar must support the DS records, and your TLD must sign yours. Your DNSKEY record must be signed and published by your DNS hosting provider.


Nowadays, having DNSSEC enabled for your domain has a variety of advantages. It offers security, making internet browsing safer and more manageable without feeling at risk while allowing users to share verified information online. These make DNSSEC a need for contemporary websites. But keep in mind that it only defends DNS, not the entire server, from DDoS attacks.

Author: Kayden

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