Posted in Cyber attacks DNS attacks

DNS Spoofing: Is it really dangerous?

In today’s digitally interconnected world, the Domain Name System (DNS) plays a crucial role in translating human-readable domain names into their corresponding IP addresses. However, like any technology, DNS is not immune to security vulnerabilities. One such threat is DNS spoofing, a malicious practice that can lead to serious consequences for users and organizations alike. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of DNS spoofing and examine whether it is truly as dangerous as it is often perceived.

Understanding DNS Spoofing

DNS spoofing, also known as DNS cache poisoning, is a technique employed by attackers to manipulate the DNS resolution process. The objective is to redirect users to fraudulent or malicious websites by altering the DNS cache entries on a targeted DNS server. This can be achieved by injecting false DNS responses, causing the server to associate incorrect IP addresses with legitimate domain names.

5 Most Common DNS Attacks

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Posted in Cyber attacks Network

DoS attack vs DDoS attack: What is the difference?

DoS attack vs DDoS attack – what is its main comparison? We will explore this today!

What is a DoS attack?

Dos is short of a Denial of Service attack. In this attack, a single attacker targets a device, trying to make it unavailable to its users. It does it by flooding it with traffic or exploiting vulnerabilities of a network protocol.

While DoS attacks are smaller than DDoS attacks, they can still have significant impacts on the availability and performance of a victim’s device. They can slow down, crash, and disrupt the normal processes of a server.

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Posted in Cyber attacks Internet Protocols

DNSSEC explained for beginners

Introduce to DNSSEC

In order to supply cryptographic authentication to DNS data, a set of security techniques known as DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) was built. It verifies and validates the accuracy of DNS data, so you know they haven’t been changed.

Because it validates each DNS query step, network experts frequently refer to it as a chain of trust.

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Posted in Cyber attacks DNS servers Network

Complete breakdown of DNS outage

A DNS outage can be a nightmare. Your finance team will be very nervous about calculating the losses. Marketing will struggle if a special sale or campaign is running. IT experts will be under severe pressure trying to solve it. And users will be disappointed.

What is a DNS outage?

A Domain Name System outage is a period during which the Domain Name System does not respond. To be reachable through the Internet requires DNS. Without DNS resolution or Recursive servers search, your online business will remain unavailable.

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Posted in Cyber attacks

Botnet attack explained in detail

The Botnet attack is a real and dangerous threat you should be aware of.

What is a Botnet attack?

A Botnet attack is a type of cyber attack executed through a bunch of infected devices connected to the Internet and commanded remotely by an attacker. Botnet means robot network. Such networks can include mobile phones, computers, and all types of IoT devices. Criminals control them with a specific target (victim) and objective.

How does the Botnet attack work?

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